PocketSprite specifications

The PocketSprite contains: - An ESP32 with:

  • 2x240MHz 32-bit processor
  • 520KiB of RAM
  • WiFi
  • BT
  • 16 MiB of QSPI-connected flash memory
  • An 96x64 OLED screen (with 8 rows covered on both sides, emulating a power LED and making for an 80x64 ‘real’ screen)
  • A LiIon battery (150mAh)
  • A D-pad (with mechanical buttons for up, down, left, right)
  • An A, a B, a select, a start and a power button
  • A small amplifier and (mono) speaker
  • A micro-USB port for charging the LiIon battery (no data connection)